FCR Value

One of the key features of FCR Interactive is FCR Fair Value. By comparing the real return on assets to the FCR credit rating, the user can obtain the following indicators:

  • FCR fair value which shows what the real yield should be given its FCR Rating;
  • FCR Value-at-Risk that shows the downside risk based on the FCR credit rating and current yield.

With FCR Interactive, one can assess the ratings of each underlying factor or the total ratings. Users can compare countries and regions as they like or view the development of the ratings over time. The possibilities to view this information can be customized by the user.

For example one can visualize the information using:

  • The Country rating map;
  • Dashboards;
  • Line and Bar charts;

This module gives investors the opportunity to make sound investment decision by knowing the fair value of their bond investments. Moreover, the module is ideal to optimize the bond portfolio.