
First Country Research Interactive is the online interface that provides one stop hosting for all current and historical macroeconomic information, FCR Credit Ratings, FCR Fair Value and information on prices and yields. The FCR Credit Ratings are composed from over 60 factors that can be viewed on an individual basis. Our applications allows you to visualize the data through charts, graphs and tables. Users can save custom views and share them with other users within their organization.

FCR Interactive provides perspective on factors that determine the fair value of a wide range of assets. Our application and expertise help you generate and test ideas based on the fundamental risk factors and prices of your (potential) investments. The application can visualize all information, from specific factors to overall ratings, in various ways. The flexible platform also allows users to add their own data set, enabling them to manage even larger amounts of data or a greater variety of sources.

First Country Reasearch Intereactive allow you to:
  • Stay up-to-date with relevant information about changes in the FCR rating
    and impact on your investments at a glance;
  • Retrieve, analyze and rank ratings, and trends;
  • Evaluate how well an investment may be compensating its owner for the credit and market risk;
  • Easy to use and customizable interface.

FCR interactive has different features and modules for different users:
  • FCR Ratings retrieved from a wide range of factors and updated on a monthly basis
  • FCR indicators
  • FCR rating customization
  • Portfolio monitoring

Navigate through our different modules to learn more.